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深圳市贝斯曼精密仪器有限公司创建于2001年,胎心仪十大品牌,中国知名胎儿监护领域著名品牌,多普勒血流检测仪领域全球领导品牌,是一家自主研发、生产及销售为一体的高科技医疗器械公司。 目前产品主要有:超声多普勒血流检测仪系列、超声多普勒胎心音仪系列、输液输血加温器系列、胎儿/母亲监护仪系列、注射器毁形器系列、肠内营养泵、胰岛素冷藏盒、静脉查找仪、乳腺自检仪、医用红外体温计、超声美容仪、智能消毒车等。公司研发队伍主要由国内知名科研人员、海归硕士、博士组成,科研力量十分雄厚。经过多年的努力,精心研制出了“超声多普勒血流检测仪“。公司已通过了ISO9001国际质量管理体系认证、ISO13485医疗器械国际质量管理体系认证。部分产品通过欧盟CE认证及美国FDA认证。产品销往全国,并已出口到欧洲,美洲,大洋洲,非洲,中东以及东南亚等98个国家和地区。 公司始终以“科技创新,创造财富,回报社会,为人类的健康事业作贡献”为经营宗旨,努力打造中国第一医疗器械基地,成为行业内的佼佼者。 目前本公司有几大系列产品: BV系列超声多普勒血流检测仪 BFW系列输液/输血加温器 BF系列超声多普勒胎心音仪 BFM系列胎儿/母亲监护仪 BD系列注射器毁形器 BEU系列超声扫描仪 BIC系列胰岛素冷藏盒 BSNT系列生命体征检测仪 BSNF系列产科检测仪 BFP系列喂养泵 BVF系列静脉查找仪 BUC系列美容仪
地址: 深圳市光明区光明街道东周社区双明大道315号易方大厦8层
  • 血流检测仪BV-620VP

    Feature: Detect the blood stream status of arterial/venous by 8MHz probe; Detect the blood flow average velocity, detect the result of fingers/toes and part of bodys vein anatomies operation; Blue LCD displays the blood stream peak velocity and strength. Built-in ARM microprocessor & real-time displays blood flow velocity waveform; Can store 50 detected waveforms; High-speed USB/RS -232 port, can be connected directly to computer to analyze, store, and print the waveform data; Detect peak and average blood speed Detect blood flow of peripheral vessel Detect subsection systolic pressure Detect phlebostenosis, vein occlusions Detect Systolic pressure of toes and fingers Detect blood speed during recovery Detect the pulse rate and show PR simultaneously

  • 胎心音仪 BF-560

    Feature: White backlight LCD can display FHR for darkness use: show the probe working frequency, battery capacity, Doppler signal and alarm indicator; user friendly interface makes easy operation; Output jack can be connected to instruments. ( heads et ) Sound amplified and recorded function; Clear sound with a high quality loudspeaker; 2.0MHz probe is standard probe, can be changed into 3.0MHz, 5.0MHz, 8.0MHz very easily; 1.5V batteries be chosen by alkaline battery or recha rgeable batteries.

  • 血流检测仪 BV-660T+

    Full-automatic PAD testing VASCULAR DOPPLER Feature: Obtains two pressures at each ankle site (PVR and DOPPLER) Automated segmental studies to customize the item Automatic ABI, TBI and segmental calculation Performs the Seated ABI on mobility impaired patients Bi-Directional Doppler probe PVR waveform modality & PPG probe to obtain toe and limb pressures Parameter: Ankle-brachial index(ABI),Toe-brachial Index ,segment exams, automatics calculation of the indices Control mode: automatic cuff inflation/deflation and hand-held controller Wave mode: Bi-directional Doppler, pulse volume recording(PVR), photoplethysmography(PPG) Doppler specification: Bi-directional continuous wave(CW), waveform amplitude accuracy:+/- 10%, 8MHz PPG specification: wave length 940nm, synch ronous demodulation, AC paired PVR specification: bandwidth 0.16-12.5Hz, AC paired Display:general use 20 LCD or lager size LCD Printer: general use printer Data storage and transmission: standard configure 500GB hard disk, transmission to computer via USB 2.0 Power supply:100-240V AC, 50-60Hz

  • BFM-700M母婴监护仪

    Feature: l 5.7 inches TFT LCD displays 2 x US and 1x UC data, mothers NIBP, TEMP, RR, SpO2, and ECG main parameters and monitoring trace curve etc.; l FHR collects signal indication, alarm indication for abnormal FHR, fetal movement indication, and can freeze monitoring status; l Can s et the time limit (0-99 minutes), and automatically enter dormant state if no signal input; l Store monitoring data for 24 hours, with replay function; l Coding keyboard adjusts all parameters setting of the unit, convenient to use; l Adopt 832 thermal linear array printer, store the data and print rapidly; and printing width is 112mm; l The printer parameters can be adjusted as users’ need, including printing paper speed, trace line thickness, signal sampling rate, upper and lower alarming limit, real time, and date; l Set-up data and parameters can be automatically saved after power off; l The monitoring data can be conveyed to exterior computer through RS-232 or USB port; l Trolley (adjustable) for option, convenient to move and operate.

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